Use .chapter-head on any heading, but start with h4 and work from there.
H4 chapter heading
H3 chapter heading
H5 chapter heading
<h4 class="chapter-head">...<h4>
Bylines, credits and sourcing
Add a byline class to a div element and give the authors name(s) a class of author. Add the class organization to a pelement to style the author's organization. Add a pub-date class to a p element to style the publication date and time. Bylines on apps projects will have an increased font-size.
Use a project credits box at the bottom of the page before the footer when bylines from multiple departments should appear. This style of credit box should be reserved for larger projects.
Reporting by First Last and First Last
Photography by First Last and First Last
Graphics by First Last and First Last
Applications and design by First Last and First Last
<div class="credits-wrapper">
<div class="credits-inner">
<p>Reporting by <span>First Last and First Last</span></p>
<p>Photography by <span>First Last and First Last</span></p>
<p>Graphics by <span>First Last and First Last</span></p>
<p>Applications and design by <span>First Last and First Last</span></p>
Body copy
Article copy
Place headlines, decks, bylines, and story copy within an article element. Use the class .narrow-river on an articleto limit p elements and all headings h1 through h6 to a max-width of 680px.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci sapien, ullamcorper at blandit vitae, viverra sed diam. Sed id neque purus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec pretium, nunc quis cursus euismod, nibh lectus luctus sapien, vitae viverra tellus est eget enim. Nulla eu porttitor nulla. Maecenas sed dui et elit commodo interdum. Aliquam consequat ipsum ac lacus venenatis at tincidunt nunc aliquam.
A drop cap can be used at a start of a section or chapter by including .drop-cap on a p element.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci sapien, ullamcorper at blandit vitae, viverra sed diam. Sed id neque purus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec pretium, nunc quis cursus euismod, nibh lectus luctus sapien, vitae viverra tellus est eget enim. Nulla eu porttitor nulla. Maecenas sed dui et elit commodo interdum. Aliquam consequat ipsum ac lacus venenatis at tincidunt nunc aliquam.
Add .lead to a p element to increase font-size for paragraphs and drop caps.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci sapien, ullamcorper at blandit vitae, viverra sed diam. Sed id neque purus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec pretium, nunc quis cursus euismod, nibh lectus luctus sapien, vitae viverra tellus est eget enim. Nulla eu porttitor nulla. Maecenas sed dui et elit commodo interdum. Aliquam consequat ipsum ac lacus venenatis at tincidunt nunc aliquam.
Aliquam ac augue ac nisi ullamcorper vehicula vel eget tellus. Proin venenatis ullamcorper magna, eget rutrum nunc imperdiet nec. Donec et leo mauris. Pellentesque risus felis, mollis id facilisis at, sollicitudin sit amet augue. Phasellus lobortis ullamcorper odio, eget pharetra neque dictum eget. Morbi dignissim dictum posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam at massa turpis, et aliquet urna.
To separate sections of the narrative that are lists or bullets, wrap p element(s) in a div with a .left-rule class.
Aliquam ac augue ac nisi ullamcorper vehicula vel eget tellus. Proin venenatis ullamcorper magna, eget rutrum nunc imperdiet nec. Donec et leo mauris. Pellentesque risus felis, mollis id facilisis at, sollicitudin sit amet augue. Phasellus lobortis ullamcorper odio, eget pharetra neque dictum eget. Morbi dignissim dictum posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam at massa turpis, et aliquet urna.
Nunc diam lectus. molestie sit amet ultricies sed, molestie ac quam.
Sed et aliquam eros. Etiam non urna in lorem vehicula interdum eu ac erat.
Sed mauris massa. elementum sit amet imperdiet non, suscipit id magna.
Pellentesque habitant morbi. tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Duis scelerisque, felis in pretium sollicitudin, ligula nibh gravida odio, sit amet pretium lorem justo in lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam non magna metus. Sed auctor tristique condimentum. Ut non elit eget tellus vestibulum mattis.
For bullet lists, simply use the standard ul and li elements.
Aliquam ac augue ac nisi ullamcorper vehicula vel eget tellus. Proin venenatis ullamcorper magna, eget rutrum nunc imperdiet nec. Donec et leo mauris. Pellentesque risus felis, mollis id facilisis at, sollicitudin sit amet augue. Phasellus lobortis ullamcorper odio, eget pharetra neque dictum eget. Morbi dignissim dictum posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam at massa turpis, et aliquet urna.
Nunc diam lectus. molestie sit amet ultricies sed, molestie ac quam.
Sed et aliquam eros. Etiam non urna in lorem vehicula interdum eu ac erat.
Sed mauris massa. elementum sit amet imperdiet non, suscipit id magna.
Pellentesque habitant morbi. tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Duis scelerisque, felis in pretium sollicitudin, ligula nibh gravida odio, sit amet pretium lorem justo in lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam non magna metus. Sed auctor tristique condimentum. Ut non elit eget tellus vestibulum mattis.
To notch related media items into the main narrative, use to contain each item's figure. The story's p elements and .media-holder content should be within an article with a class of .narrow-river.
Morbi iaculis erat egestas turpis rhoncus pharetra. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc bibendum fringilla mi, sed suscipit mi feugiat a. Vestibulum tincidunt congue ornare. Proin sit amet mi nunc. Quisque tellus quam, faucibus vitae sagittis sit amet, consequat ut quam. Vestibulum sodales lacus in ligula aliquet congue. Ut dictum, enim at consectetur ullamcorper, tellus leo convallis odio, ut tempor sem nisi at ante.
This is a caption. Morbi iaculis erat egestas turpis rhoncus pharetra.First Last - Organization
Aliquam ac augue ac nisi ullamcorper vehicula vel eget tellus. Proin venenatis ullamcorper magna, eget rutrum nunc imperdiet nec. Donec et leo mauris. Pellentesque risus felis, mollis id facilisis at, sollicitudin sit amet augue. Phasellus lobortis ullamcorper odio, eget pharetra neque dictum eget. Morbi dignissim dictum posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam at massa turpis, et aliquet urna.
Duis scelerisque, felis in pretium sollicitudin, ligula nibh gravida odio, sit amet pretium lorem justo in lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam non magna metus. Sed auctor tristique condimentum. Ut non elit eget tellus vestibulum mattis.
To display an image the full width of the page, use the .wide-photo class on a figure element. You will need to include the picturefill JavaScript library in your page's footer. This will allow the page to load smaller images on mobile devices.
There are several image sources specified in the code below. The first is the image that is loaded on small screens. The second is the default large image, with a data-media attribute allowing a min-width to be set. Any screen over the specified min-width will load this image. The third image, surrounded by noscript tags, is the image that will load when JavaScript is disabled.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci sapien, ullamcorper at blandit vitae, viverra sed diam. Sed id neque purus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec pretium, nunc quis cursus euismod, nibh lectus luctus sapien, vitae viverra tellus est eget enim. Nulla eu porttitor nulla. Maecenas sed dui et elit commodo interdum. Aliquam consequat ipsum ac lacus venenatis at tincidunt nunc aliquam.
This is a caption. Morbi iaculis erat egestas turpis rhoncus pharetra.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci sapien, ullamcorper at blandit vitae, viverra sed diam. Sed id neque purus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec pretium, nunc quis cursus euismod, nibh lectus luctus sapien, vitae viverra tellus est eget enim. Nulla eu porttitor nulla. Maecenas sed dui et elit commodo interdum. Aliquam consequat ipsum ac lacus venenatis at tincidunt nunc aliquam.
<figure class="wide-photo">
<span data-picture>
<span data-src=""></span>
<span data-src="" data-media="(min-width: 600px)">
<img src=""/>
<figcaption>This is a caption. Morbi iaculis erat egestas turpis rhoncus pharetra.</figcaption>
Responsive video container
Wrap the embedded video with .video-wrapper to apply a responsive container to the video. To adjust aspect ratio, increase or decrease the padding-bottom applied to the video's containing iframe, object or embed. By default, the wrapper will fit a video with an aspect ratio of 16:9. Use the class .four-three for video with an aspect ratio of 4:3.
For video with a custom aspect ratio, you'll need to calculate the amount of padding to apply to the bottom. Turn the ratio into a fraction and divide the numerator by the denominator and set padding-bottom to the resulting percentage. For instance, for the 4:3 aspect ratio, divide 4 by 3 and set padding-bottom: 75%.
Use aside for content that is related to the main article, such as a sidebar. This will display notched in the article. The .subhead class can be used for additional description of the sidebar copy block.
<h3>Related headline<h3>
<p class="subhead">Optional subject description sublabel</p>
<p>This is information ...</p>
<p class="text-right"><a href="#" class="media-link digital-plus-icon">THIS LINK GOES ELSEWHERE</a></p>
Related headlines
For a list of related headlines, apply a .nav-related class to a ul element.
First, make sure Font Awesome is included in your project by adding a link in the head to // (Font Awesome is included by default with the base Tribune template.) Put a ul within a div with class .social-wrapper. Use a small element for the buttons label and .text-center on the wrapping div to center the label and buttons.
Add .social-wrapper-vertical to the wrapping div to align the buttons vertically and center the text. Shorten the label to "Share" so it fits neatly above the buttons.
Use these color ramps for displaying/keying data or other information
Dark Blue
Light Blue
Dark Green
Light Green
Dark red
Light Red
Light Yellow
Starting a Chicago Tribune Tarbell project
Comprehensive documentation for Tarbell, including
a getting-started tutorial,
is available here. This section
will outline what you need to know that's specific to the Chicago Tribune, but it's a good idea to
familiarize yourself with the above documentation if you haven't already.
Begin by installing Tarbell, as outlined
here. For most users, it's as
simple as running pip install tarbell. Once Tarbell is installed, install the Tribune
Tarbell templates: tarbell install-template Finally, to create the project itself,
run tarbell newproject and follow the prompts, as described in more detail
Most of the process involved in setting up a Chicago Tribune Tarbell project is exactly the
same as a normal Tarbell project, with only a few key differences:
Publishing location: You still want to publish to S3, but the buckets to use depend
on the specific project. For most projects, is the staging
bucket, and is the production bucket, but this varies
widely from project to project. Read more about setting up your S3 buckets here.
Templates: When running the newproject command, you almost certainly want to use
the Tribune templates, as described in more detail in the next section. They should have been
installed when you ran tarbell install-template above.
Social media buttons
Horizontal social media group
First, make sure Font Awesome is included in your project by adding a link in the
. (Font Awesome is included by default with the base Tribune template.) Put aul
within adiv
. Use asmall
element for the buttons label and.text-center
on the wrappingdiv
to center the label and buttons.Vertical social media group
to the wrappingdiv
to align the buttons vertically and center the text. Shorten the label to "Share" so it fits neatly above the buttons.